Call Center Outsourcing

We investigate all variables when considering outsourcing a call center

Whether you're just beginning the process of looking into starting an in-house call center, outsourcing completely, outsourcing certain call center services or if you have already decided which direction your company needs to go in, our call center outsourcing guide discusses each topic thoroughly.

We cover:

  • Reasons to consider call center outsourcing
  • If you should go with a domestic center or find an offshore partner
  • Benefits of staying with a domestic call center
  • Differences in costs comparing outsourcing vs. in-house
  • How call centers helps other departments
  • How to choose the right call center provider

Insurance Call Center

Insurance specific, how a call center can help your agency grow

Whether you're a small insurance agency, or a large corporation made up of multiple agencies, a call center is a beneficial asset to help grow your client base and improve customer service to retain those existing customers.

We review:

  • How to generate Insurance leads
  • How live transfers can benefit your insurance agency
  • 4 easy tips for following up on leads
  • How a call center improves customer service
  • Why you should consider call center outsourcing
  • Benefits of hiring a domestic call center over offshoring


Free Call Center Outsourcing E-Book

Mortgage Call Center

Call center outsourcing helps mortgage companies & banks pre-qualify

There are many caveats to running a call center and making sure it is successful. Between closing more loans and having efficient customer service when there is an issue, it's important to stay in the know of best practice. And sometimes the best practice is outsourcing some of the call center duties.

We discuss:

  • Mortgage Lead Generation
  • Mortgage Live Transfers
  • If outsourcing a call center is worth it
  • Improving customer service
  • Whether to consider offshoring or keep it domestic

Customer Service Outsourcing

Outsourcing your customer service can improve your company's success

A company's survival is based off of how good their customer service is. If it's poor, it can diminish sales and clients. If it's amazing, referrals alone can have your business going through the roof. But it takes a lot of time and effort to successfully tackle all of a company's customer service issues, and sometimes the manpower just isn't there. Sometimes outsourcing that part of the business, at least partially, is the best way to move forward.

We investigate:

  • Should you consider customer service outsourcing
  • How to outsource and what to look for
  • Why being put on hold frustrates customers
  • Redefining your call time
  • How happy employees can mean a company's success

B2B Sales Outsourcing

Tell The Reader More

The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Need a call center partner?

With multiple awards to our name, Anomaly Squared is proud to offer it's clients a seamless, customizable outsourcing process, fitted specially for them and their company.

From our cloud-based technology to offering direct access to the floor, there are many reasons to consider partnering with us. To learn more about How We Help, please click here.

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