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Squared Thinking

Advantages of a Domestic Call Center [Infographic]

Posted by Taylor Edwards on Mar 15, 2017

Outsourcing call centers to countries like India and the Phillipines might be tempting for businesses looking to lower costs. But it doesn't often pay off for them in the long run. An agent located in India may not be able to go off script or answer questions properly due to a language barrier. This can cause a frustrating situation for both the representative and the customer.

Keeping call centers local can mean the difference between retaining clients and losing business. 

Looking to outsource your call center? Here are 4 reaons why you should. 

Here are some benefits of domestic call center outsourcing: 

[Click image to view larger]Advantages of a Domestic Call Center[Click image to view larger]

Often times call center agents are the only connection with a company a customer will ever have. Therefore, it is a businesses' utmost responsibility to offer the best and most personalized experiences to their customers that they can. 

Compared to their foreign counterparts, local agents present substantial advantages in offering quality customer service. They offer a higher skill level, and ease of management and quality assurance monitoring. 

  Call Center Outsourcing Flowchart to help you make a decision

Topics: call center outsourcing, domestic call center


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